Speak truth, Fight for Justice and Care for the Vulnerable and Marginalised.

Anglicans Ablaze

regional events

Regional Events

Visit growing the church under NEWS and EVENTS where you can read reports on the regional events in GtC Update Newsletters.
growing the church

Growing the Church

In March 2010, Growing the Church, a church growth institute within the Anglican Church of Southern Africa (ACSA) gathered together various organisations within ACSA.

To seek the Lord, asking this question: "What does God want us to do together that we cannot do on our own?"

aa movement

AA Movement

Anglicans Ablaze is a movement. If any diocese or province desires to hold its own Anglicans Ablaze conference, please contact Growing the Church for assistance.

Conference 2023

We invite you to attend

Anglicans Ablaze 2023

A Jesus-Shaped Life

"The Whole Church for the Whole World"

04 – 07 October 2023

What is Anglicans Ablaze?

We are a group of organisations, under the oversight of Bishop Dalcy Dlamini (Swaziland), within the Anglican Church of Southern Africa (ACSA) who desire to be set ablaze with God's love and power in order to build up the church and to serve God in the world. Every two years, we gather together for an international conference; and each year, various regional Anglicans Ablaze conferences are held throughout the Province.
